Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Travelling down the WA coast- Shark Bay to Christmas in Perth……..

Shark Bay

Shark Bay is stunning. It is one of a few sites in the world that meets all four of the natural criteria to be a world heritage area.  

The two most famous being the largest area of seagrass in the world which is home to the endangered Dugong (Strange looking beasty…like a dolphin crossed with a seal with a squashed elephants trunk; sorry to all dugongs out there for that description). The second being the Stromatolites (the largest and oldest living fossils on earth). Stromatolites are colonies of microorganisms that resemble the oldest and simplest forms of life on earth……a geologist’s wet dream.

Most people however will know of Shark Bay’s famous dolphins at Monkey Mia. As commercial as it is, we had to go for the kids. I have to say it is done very well and involves quite a lot of research involved and the feeding is extremely closely monitored. A great experience slightly soured for us as we had our Gopro stolen.

We had lots of fun cruising through the National Park camp spots and a few hidden camps. One gem was a hot tub on what was a cattle station before becoming Cape Perron NP. We sneaked in here late one night and watched James Bond whilst eating chips in a lovely  38 degree hot tub ( a couple of locals joined us halfway through). 

Old Jetty at Gladstone


One of our bush camps in Shark Bay NP

The "hot tub"

Dolphin feeding at Monkey Mia

On the way to Kalbarri


After leaving Shark Bay we trundled down the coast to Kalbarri. Kalbarri is world famous in surfing circles for “Jakes Point”, a screaming left hand reef break with an in your face take off. It wasn’t doing its thing for Pauli when we were there (luckily!).

Outside Kalbarri is a beautiful National park with some spectacular gorge walks. Much to the kids annoyance we completed a long 14 km walk after much remonstration.  


Tilly having a go at inside Jake"s Point

The following images were taken in the beautiful Kalbarri NP

Jacks first "drop" into a green wave at inside Jakes Point

South of Kalbarri township

Kalbarri to Perth

From Kalbarri it was onto Perth with Christmas fast approaching. This was causing some consternation between Jodes and I because we were unsure how we were going to get a visit from Father Christmas organised whilst on the road in a camper trailer. We continued discussions and had a great time cruising down the coast.

We were told about a lovely bush camp south of Kalbarri called Lucky Bay

Horrocks Beach

Our camp spot at Coronation Beach......Kite & windsurfers heaven

Northampton Town Museum....the oldest town in WA after Perth

We stayed one night at a Waminda Sanctuary.......a rescue centre outside Geraldton

Leeman Jetty

Jurien Bay old jetty

Pre Christmas dinner with our travelling buddies

Pauly getting around a" total fire ban" day & hoping the Ranger would be understanding

Boule' at Sandy Cape camp spot

Sandy Cape images

Veals & Hopkins boys movie night in Trak Shak

Setting the fashion standard at Sandy Cape

Christmas in Perth 

Our Christmas conundrum was solved by an extremely generous and kind offer from Sam & Louise Oakey. We were invited to spend Christmas with their family. 

Thank you so much to Sam, Louise, Sophie and Olivia. We managed to get things all organised- Father Christmas found the Hopkins and we enjoyed a bit of exploring around Perth and Freemantle

Wreak of the 350 year old "Batavia" wrecked off the WA coast- recovered in the 70's on display in the Freemantle Maritime Museum.....awesome

Christmas day at the Oakey's house-Perth

New Years Eve dancing in the street with Nico & Anita-Freemantle

Images from Freemantle

Fun around Mandurah 

Man made Osprey nest site 

A big thank you to Jim & Linda Cook for looking after us....the offer still stands on helping with the move Linda,  if you come back to the Peninsula

Breakfast with Noel & Helen Oakey.....a big thank you for your lovely hospitality